Tech Note: Text Fields Print with Incorrect Fonts

Products: PrintOMatic Lite MX, PrintOMatic Lite Xtra 1.6.5, PrintOMatic MX, PrintOMatic Xtra 1.6.5
Platforms: Windows (all versions)


On the Windows platform, text field cast members are not printing in the fonts you specified in the cast members.

Possible Causes

1. You are using "embedded fonts" which are not installed in the userÆs system. In certain situations, embedded fonts are not accessible to the OS and cannot be used for printing unless the font is also installed to the userÆs operating system.

Click here to view our tech note on embedded fonts.

2. You are using Director 7 or 8, and your cast member is not in the first internal cast. A bug in these versions of Director garbles font information for any text field that is not in the first internal cast. Moving your text field members to the first internal cast will fix the problem.